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A compact & advanced immunoassay analyzer for multiple testing with all-in-one cartridge system

AFIAS-3 is a compact and versatile lateral flow immunoassay platform with three independent channels. AFIAS-3 enables three testing simultaneously therefore it can provide various panel testing such as cardiac, hormone, and inflammation testing. AFIAS-3 will be useful in places of small laboratories, medium hospitals, and private clinics with its versatility and user-convenience.

Diagnosis method
Fluorescence-based Lateral Flow Immunoassay
  • CE

Key Features

  • Automated POCT system with All-in-One cartridges
  • Easy to use with proprietary C-tips (for fingertip blood)
  • Processes 3 different tests simultaneously, with sequential results.
  • Faster Total Turnaround Time (ToTAT) with extra tip station

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