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Diagnosis of endocrine dysfunction and adrenal disease

This test measures the cortisol level in the blood. One can use the whole blood for ease of sample pretreatment. The test takes 10 minutes, and the result could provide information about adrenal diseases and endocrine dysfunction.

  • CE ichroma™
  • CE 0123 AFIAS
  • ANVISA ichroma™

About Using Reagent

  • Sample Types

    whole blood, plasma, serum
  • Reaction Time

    10 mins
  • Detection Range

    80 – 800 nmol/L
  • Indication

    Cushing's syndrome, Adrenal cortical dysfunction, Addison Disease, Hyperthyroidism

Available Accessory

In Your Medical Field

The cortisol level displays a diurnal variation. Testing the level when needed is the advantage of POC setting of this cortisol test. With its accessibility to the fingertip blood and rapid test time, one can test the cortisol level when needed for evaluation under controlled setting.