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Rubella IgG

In vitro diagnostic medical device for assisting in the determination of immune status of rubella.

The rubella virus usually causes mild or no symptoms in healthy individuals. However, it can lead to serious complications in immunocompromised individuals and pregnant women. Pregnant women may remain asymptomatic or experience only mild symptoms, but transmission to the fetus can result in congenital abnormalities.

Diagnosis diseases
Rubella immune status

About Using Reagent

  • Sample Types

    Whole Blood, Serum, Plasma
  • Reaction Time

    12 mins
  • Detection Range

    Qualitative (Positive/Negative/Indeterminate)
  • Indication

    Immune status to rubella

In Your Medical Field

The Rubella IgG antibody test can determine past rubella infection or immune status. This is particularly important for women preparing for pregnancy who have not been vaccinated, as it helps confirm immunity before pregnancy to prevent transmission to the fetus during pregnancy. Although the rubella vaccine is highly effective, there is currently no treatment for congenital rubella infection, making it crucial to assess immune status before pregnancy to ensure the health of the fetus.