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Boditech Med ㅡ "The company where you can get a chance to realize your dream"

Hi, I am Sungmoo Byeon, CEO of Immunostics, US subsidiary of Boditech Med.

If I have a chance to mention about ‘What do you care the most in your career and life?”, my answer would be “Do work in the field where you are interested in and you are good at with your expertise. And realize your inherent value that you’ve been seeking for.”

After joining Boditech Med, I was able to work in the field of ‘science’ by means of ‘explaining, training and convincing with logic’ which I am good at, seeking ways to ‘help people’ which I value the most.

Since boarding Boditech Med group in 2016, I was designated as the CEO of Ugenecell, one of subsidiary of Boditech Med specialized in molecular diagnostics, in 2018. The thing was that I started from nothing at Ugenecell. For the three years, I’ve been striving to grow our business with my expertise. As a result, I’m proud to mention that the growth in sales increased to 100 times comparing to 2019.

In 2021, I was assigned to manage US subsidiary Immunostics Inc, which has been in business for 40 years now after being founded in 1983. Immunostics has been acquired by Boditech Med on 2016 as a base camp for US market entry. Currently the most important task of the company is to get FDA approvals for Boditech Med’s products. We have been working on the FDA approval of the COVID-19 home test within this year with top priority.

I spent most of my time at Ugenecell, a small venture company with no revenue at the time I joined. We started at the bottom of the ladder. During every company dinner, CEO of Boditech and Ugenecell Dr. Choi always shared his early days with diverse stories so that we could come successfully through the ordeal. We all together have been working every day and night dreaming the moment of showcasing our first product. Finally, it happened. I cannot forget the time I visited Pakistan with my crew and the day we shipped our first order. I would like to special thanks to Dr. Won, who is still working at Ugenecell as a Head of Researcher.  

As mentioned by other interviewee, I also strongly agree that chairman’s meticulous care for employee’s benefit, nonhierarchical relationships and great potential for growth are the three best things of Boditech Med. I miss the company lunch served in HQ and the tennis match open to anyone every day afterwork very much after moving to Immunostics in USA.

When it comes to Immunostics, everyone is open mined in a congenial atmosphere. For example, conversations over a cup of coffee are more frequent than official meetings so that everyone can focus on their work.

I would like to accomplish 100 times growth in total sales at Immunostics as I did at Ugenecell. To achieve this aim, I am devoting all my energies to a project for getting approval by FDA. I hope we can get closer to the next renaissance soon.

Lastly, I would like to close my interview with following remarks. Every company has its own history and culture. Boditech Med is a result of Dr. Choi who founded in 1998 and strived for 24 years until now with his trustworthy employees. Be proactive but seek first to understand, then to be understood. I believe your future with Boditech Med will be bright.