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Boditech Med – "Where you can grow both professionally and personally"

Hi, I am Soumia Lehmad, originally from Morocco and I’ve been working at Boditech Med since February 2021. I am part of Global Sales Division 2 MENA Team, dedicated to North African region as a Sales and Technical Service Manager.

I am responsible for sales and technical service. I am specifically in charge of promoting our products in MENA(The Middle East and North Africa) region and providing reliable solutions to our customers regarding products issues. My work requires to communicate much with our clients to figure out what challenges they are facing and to solve the issues. Based on diverse communication with our clients, I am continuously developing our products that could fulfill customer’s needs.

Boditech Med is a one of leading company in In-Vitro Diagnostic market. I am enjoying all the intelligent and engaged people. They always want to learn more and to keep working hard for self-development. They encouraged me a lot and I’m glad that I got an opportunity to work with them. I am currently working with diverse colleagues from different departments to provide our clients with reliable solutions. Lastly, one thing that I really like about my job is that I can learn new knowledge and experience about In-Vitro Diagnostic market every single day. 

Working at Boditech is a great opportunity. As the company is continuously expanding and growing and there is a room here that you can grow both professionally and personally. Furthermore, I believe that living in a different culture is usually hard to get used it, but it is totally different story in Boditech Med as there are many of colleagues from worldwide. I am fully enjoying what I am doing now.