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We are delighted to share the news that our AFIAS-6 was introduced in Rai 2, one of the major broadcasters in Italy. It is used to fight the spread of the virus among the children and school workers in Puglia, south of Italy. Click here to see more details. Here, thanks to AFIAS COVID-19 Ag, they have built a fast answer platform that can monitor the situation and help the community to stop the spread.

sources from Rai 2, 2020.10.13

The need for quick test in the airport as well as in other sectors is recognized also in Germany as stated in this news from Tagesthemen, one of Germany’s main daily television news magazines, where they explain that the usage of the COVID-19 antigen test is a valid help in fighting the contamination and raising number of infections. Check out more details here.

sources from Tagesthemen, 2020.10.01

Every day our team put efforts to deliver a great product that can be trusted by the clients. The corona virus outbreak has been a daily challenge for our team that since its beginning has worked endlessly.